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Provider Information for 1063534154

The following NPI(s) contain information matching your search criteria. Please select the NPI to view all the data associated with the NPI.

Please Note: Issuance of an NPI does not ensure or validate that the Health Care Provider is Licensed or Credentialed. For more information please refer to NPI: What You Need to Know


Organization Subpart: NO

NPI: 1063534154
Last Updated: 2023-09-29
Certification Date: 2023-09-29


Enumeration Date2007-04-06
NPI TypeNPI-2 Organization
Authorized Official Information Name: Mr. MICHAEL DEBUBGER RPh PhD
Title: Compouding Pharmacist
Phone: 3193373536
Mailing Address 2306 MUSCATINE AVE
IOWA CITY, IA 52240-6637
United States

Phone: 319-337-3526 | Fax:319-337-5271
Primary Practice Address 901 S 1ST AVE
IOWA CITY, IA 52245-5211
United States

Phone: 319-688-4386 | Fax:319-337-5271
Secondary Practice Address(es)
Health Information Exchange
Endpoint TypeEndpointEndpoint DescriptionUseContent TypeAffiliationEndpoint Location
Other Identifiers
IssuerStateNumberOther Issuer
Primary TaxonomySelected TaxonomyStateLicense Number
Yes 3336C0004X - Pharmacy - Compounding PharmacyIA1318